(Formerly Managing Partner of Paul Capital, Basel, and Global VP
Corporate Development of Hoffmann-La Roche AG, Basel)
Particular area of expertise: Financing (Venture Capital and Alternative Financing Strategies), Corporate/Business Strategy, Licensing, Valuation
Martin Austin is Managing Director of TransformRx GmbH which he formed in 2005 to provide business advice to clients regarding investment and business development. He is also a Managing Partner of MarraM Conseils SArl an Investment Governance company and Chairman of RSA AG the Swiss subsidiary of RSA Consulting the UK Retained Executive Search and Interims-management company.
He was previously a Principal in the Paul Capital Partners Royalty Funds, a USA based specialist in Secondary Private Equity and Alternative Asset Investments and before that as Head of Business Development for the Pharmaceuticals Division at F. Hoffmann-La Roche.
He has had a broad ranging career in the Pharmaceutical industry starting as a Medical Representative in 1977 progressing through Sales and Marketing roles with GD Searle in the early 80's to become Business Development Manager with Lorex Pharmaceuticals and then became a consultant with Marketing Improvements before leaving to become a founding Director of Machine Intelligence Technologies. Later he took over Business Development for the Dendrite organisation before being appointed Managing Director of MHIG Ltd an international joint venture in Market Research and consulting prior to joining Roche.
TransformRx GmbH has now completed numerous projects with industry partners these include sucessful in and out-licensing support for companies in biotechnology, pharmaceuticals and medical technology sectors operating in Europe, the Middle East and China.
TransformRx has also advised and advises several boards on either a project or continuing basis variously on matters of governance, fund raising, M&A and management development issues.
Martin Austin also provides Management Training in Business Development through CELforPharma in Brussels which produces the »Pharma Business Development« course twice a year. This course is also run in China for Far Eastern clients through Pharmaguys Ltd of Beijing. The course has also been adapted and extended to become the Pharma-Biobusiness course »ECBD« which has been adopted by Basel University as one of the elective modules in its Masters Degree in Advanced Drug Development Studies for which Martin Austin is Faculty Leader.
MarraM Conseils SArl are currently advising three Funds in creation which aim to provide direct investment into Medical Technologies, Pharmaceutical Development and Industrial Biotechnology respectively.
RSA AG has established offices in Baar near Zuirch Switzerland and is offering the group's services in Retained Executive Search and Interim's Management to Swiss clients on a local and international basis.